Center za izobraževanje in kulturo Trebnje / Centre for Education and Culture Trebnje (CIK)
CIK Trebnje is a public organization, established by 4 municipalities (Trebnje, Šentrupert, Mokronog-Trebelno and Mirna) to promote and develop an adult education. Organization has three units: Gallery of naïve artists, Adult education center and Local Action Group (LAG) STIK.
Gallery of naïve artists was established 1970 and collection consists of paintings and sculptures that were produced by more than 280 artists from all over the world. There is constantly exhibitions of collection and collections of individuals and museums of naïve art abroad, art workshops and other pedagogical and cultural activities (artistic evenings, lecturers…).
Adult education center ( offers a comprehensive range of education programmes: from elementary school for adults to secondary education programmes, as well numerous non-formal education programmes (general education, training and courses). In recent years, increasing attention has been given to various projects that develop and encourage lifelong learning among different target groups, to raise the level of literacy, especially the socially week (elderly, rural residents, members of the Roma community, special needs persons, the unemployed, young, persons serving a prison sentence, etc). CIK is one of main providers of prison education in Slovenia. We are placed near Slovenia’s largest prison ZPKZ Dob therefore we provide numerous educational activities to inmates and prison staff (primary school for adults, VET, national vocational qualification programmes, professional training, non-formal trainings, etc.) We have been coordinator of a national project Zmorem, ker znam, funded by Ministry of Justice which aims in increase of educational offer in all Slovenia’s prisons. We strongly collaborate with The Prison Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
We are a head of Consortium of Adult Competences project 2018-2022 which aims at acquisition and development of key and vocational competences of low-educated adults of 45 years and more. Several inmates have participated in the project so far.
Local Action Group Suhe krajine, Temenice and Krke (LAG STIK), ( contractual partnership of public and private partners in the area of municipalities Dolenjske Toplice, Ivančna Gorica, Trebnje and Žužemberk. Its aim is integration, closer cooperation and promotion of comprehensive and balanced development in the area of all four municipalities through “bottom-up approach” (CCLD aproach – Community-led local development).
Role of the partner in the project
CIK Trebnje is the coordinator of the project and is responsible for leading the consortium (WP1) which includes communication with the Agency and project partners, overall content and financial monitoring of the project, organisation and implementation of partner meetings, preparation of project content and financial reports. Having expertize on a practice level CIK Trebnje will also lead WP pilot testing of education and rehabilitation model.
Skupnost centrov za socialno delo Slovenije / Association of centres for social work (ACSW)
Association of Centres for Social Work (CCSW) was founded on the basis of the s. 52 of the Institutions Act in 1996 by the decision of the Assembly of Association of the Centres for Social Work of Slovenia. All the centres for social work in the Republic of Slovenia, 16 of them, are connected to the Association CSW. Areas of specific expertise are social policy and social security:
- takes care of the formation and checking of the findings, points of view and claims, coming to the Association from the local, regional and state level;
- organizes different kinds of meetings and education by exchanging experiences and by getting to know the professional execution of various activities of the centres;
- organizes work on the collective projects and lectures;
- cooperates in enforcement of common interests of the members in forming legislation, sublegal acts and other regulations, that affect the activities of the members, and it cooperates in the preparation of starting-points for carrying out programmes, standards and price of services of the staff and standard activities etc.;
- gives initiatives for various programmes of social care and cooperates in preparation of starting-points for preparation of programmes of social care;
- represents members in the government of the Republic of Slovenia and to the competent Ministries in securing material conditions for the work of the members and in forming starting-points for financing of activities of the members;
- cooperates and represents members in the permanent expert bodies of ministries, social chamber, cooperates with members of Parliament, other collective associations and with communes;
- cooperates in preparing and enforcing collective agreements representing the interests of the members;
- by analysis of data, preparation of developmental and other concepts, evaluation, expert grounding and estimations, the Association CSW offers support to its members to realise common interests in achieving solutions in the area of organizing operation, division of labour, development of the information system, development of the CSW, which have more purpose and quality;
- cooperates with schools, that educate experts for various fields of work in the Centres, takes care of the development of the staff and is included in the foreign programmes of education;
- takes care of unified formation of prices for social care services, gives initiative and cooperates in the formation and change of standards and norms of social care services;
- offers expert and organisational help to the Centres in the Association CSW;
- informs the general public by occasionally publishing in specialized papers and publishes a gazette, which at the same time mediates information to its members and carries out other activities, which are important for achieving basic goals of the Association CSW.
The State has entrusted the ACSW with the task of preparing the Catalogue of Public Authorities, Legitimate Duties and the Services provided by SCW. Standards and norms from the Catalogue were confirmed in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Labour, Family, SocialAffairs and Equal Opportunities from September 2008, the Catalogue is submitted to the competent Ministry for approval the end of February each year.
Role of the partner in the project
ACSW is responsible for leading the WP3 Guidance on implementing project based learning with Systemic approach and Positive Criminology. ACSW will establish internal project group that will be responsible for monitoring and following ACSW budget and reporting to coordinator and the project Steering Committee
University of Malta, Prison Education and Re-Entry Programme (UoM)
University of Malta (UM) is the sole public and highest teaching institution in Malta. UM has a 400-year history and there are over 11,000 students including 1000 foreign/exchange students from nearly 92 different countries, following full-time or part-time degree and diploma courses, with 3,500 students graduating each year. UM is comprised of 14 Faculties and several interdisciplinary Institutes and Centres. The University has been involved as coordinator and partner in numerous EU-funded projects under various Programmes including FP5/6/7, Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme, Culture 2000, Tempus, Erasmus+, INTERREG EU-MED-ITALIA MALTA-ENPI CBC MED and various other international and national programmes and initiatives.
As a Programme within the University of Malta, Prison Education and Re-Entry Programme courses are given to criminology and youth studies students reading for degrees in related areas. The programme also offers masters degrees in education in Prison (M.Ed. Prison Education).
Role of the partner in the project Malta University is responsible for leading the WP2 Development of inclusive Education and Rehabilitation model for juvenile offenders and WP7 – Evaluation and QA procedures. UoM will establish internal project group that will be responsible for monitoring and following UoM budget and reporting to coordinator and the project Steering Committee.
International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology Europe (IACFP Europe)
IACFP Europe is a public interest foundation. It was sponsored by the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology. IACFP is a nonprofit organization whose vision is engaged criminal justice practitioners implementing innovative and humane practices worldwide. IACFP is led by an international board of directors who maintain the commitment the association has had to serving practitioners in correctional and juvenile justice systems worldwide for 63 years. IACFP’s mission is to advance the development and implementation of evidence- and practitioner-informed policies and practices to support correctional and forensic psychologists and other helping professionals who work with justice-involved individuals. Its purpose is to advance the development and implementation of evidence- and practitioner-informed policies and practices to support correctional and forensic psychologists and other helping professionals who work with justice-involved individuals. IACFP Europe has access to significant research to support projects. The IACFP owns the journal, Criminal Justice and Behavior, and has relationships with researchers in this field world-wide. The principal activities of the Foundation are professional education and training, program development and working in partnership with governmental and non-governmental organizations and universitites.
In addition to original research, theoretical contributions, and information on innovative programs and practices, it also provides critical reviews of literature or theory on topics central to criminal justice and behavior, including:
Classification and treatments of offenders
Causes of delinquent and criminal behavior
Prevention, intervention, and treatment programs
Education and training
Effectiveness of different sanctions
Offender and offensive characteristics
Psychology of policing
Psychology and law issues
Role of the partner in the project
IACFP is responsible for leading the WP5 Elaboration of Recommendations for introduction of the Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation Model in national prison education systems in other EU countries. IACFP will establish internal project group that will be responsible for monitoring and following IACFP budget and reporting to coordinator and the project Steering Committee.
Senator für Justiz und Verfassung der Freien Hansestadt Bremen / Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution (BMoJ)
The Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution oversees all justice institutions for the federal German state of Bremen (courts, prosecutor, prison, probation). About 30 people work in this office, and our scope of work is the supervision of the institutions and the organisation and formulation of criminal politics.
In Department 403, we focus on developing new concepts and projects across all stakeholder groups in the areas of prison, probation and reintegration. On some projects, we work closely with the University of Bremen. Together over the last 15 years we have implemented a wide range of European and internationally-funded projects, with key areas of work on education and training in prison, on IT-based education, on multi-agency resettlement strategies and on disengagement from extremist ideologies.
These new concepts have helped us keep our prison population low and to respond to new issues as they arrive. As a relatively small ministry with a wide remit, working with European as well as national partners helps Bremen Ministry of Justice keep ahead of the curve, to develop smart and flexible solutions. Our accessible size also makes us a useful partner for testing new concepts, particularly in the area of juvenile justice and female prisoners.
As a stand-alone and in collaboration with the University of Bremen and Bremen Prison, Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution has implemented or taken part in European and national projects for over a decade, in the field of education, training, employment and effective, community-based rehabilitation. In the past five years, some of these have been Justice involving Volunteers in Europe (JIVE), The prevention of juvenile radicalisation: Promoting the use of alternatives to detention through judicial training (PRALT) and Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context: Capacity-building and peer-learning among stakeholders (Strengthening) funded by the DG Justice and MOBi (Mobilising Society Towards (Ex)Offenders) funded by Erasmus+.
Role of the partner in the project
Ministry of Justice Bremen is responsible for close cooperation with IACFP in development of the WP5 Elaboration of Recommendations for introduction of the Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation Model in national prison education systems in other EU countries. Organisation will establish internal project group that will be responsible for monitoring and following their budget and reporting to coordinator and the project Steering Committee.
Penitenciarul Baia Mare / Baia Mare Prison (PBM)
Baia Mare Prison is a public institution of national interest in defence, public order and national security area, with legal personality. Is a subordinate unit of the National Administration of Penitentiaries. Baia Mare Prison was established by presidential decree in 01/10/1973.
With the profiling process of the prison system in 2009, Baia Mare Prison became an establishment having in custody inmates in open and semi-open regime, male, aged over 21 years old.
Baia Mare Prison supported the goals and objectives of Romanian prison system, following international recommendations in education of persons in detention by providing high professional standards for achieving the targets, understanding individuals and the organization, developing strategies for change. Baia Mare Prison is implementing daily basic activities for social reintegration with an wide range of intervention (educational and vocational, psychological intervention on specific depending on needs, including sexual offenders, social assistance, support for developing the relationship with family and community, social skills development.
Baia Mare Prison is constantly interested in developing cooperation with the community and providing all the conditions necessary for sustainable social inclusion of the inmates, in all social areas: employment, training, educational programs and various types of social and psychological assistance.
We are aware that social inslusion of the inmates cannot be achieved without community involvement. Prison has a portfolio of partners, including partnerships created through the implementation of internationally funded projects.
Role of the partner in the project
Baia Mare Prison has got broad network of in-field stakeholders, specialists, prison education organisations, public research and development institutions and is responsible for leading WP Dissemination and Exploitation. Baia Mare Prison will establish internal project group that will be responsible for monitoring and following Baia Mare budget and reporting to coordinator and the project Steering Committee.