The structure and complementarity of the workpackages (WP) follow project`s logical structure, specified in details by the activities as steps on project timeline. WPs and activities have been build up and optimised with project partnership during project preparation thus the project has been formed in detail and with the consent of all partners which enables smooth implementation of WPs.
Core project WPs (2-5) are accompanied with three technical WPs (1 – Management, 6 – dissemination and 7 – evaluation and quality assurance.)
WP1 – Project management, coordination and monitoring
Work package 1 is all about the management of the project. It`s aim is to keep the project on schedule and to respect the budget. The coordinator of the project and responsible for WP1 is CIK Trebnje (CIK). The main tasks of this work package is the project management, financial management, steering group/consortium meetings and formal reporting.
The partnership had regular on-line meetings that were organized and implemented around major milestones or important project activities and transnational consortium face-to-face meetings. The work of the coordinator – management and coordination activities will be assessed by evaluation and quality assurance procedures.
WP2 – Development of Inclusive
Education and Rehabilitation Model for Juvenile Offenders
This Work package will adapt the systemic theoretical model to the prison rehabilitation program and base this adaptation in the Positive Criminology approach and on the theories of resilience and rehabilitation. We will focus on the role of the mentor in the prison: as a promoter of values and as the contact point between the inmates and the significant others (family).
This WP develops the theoretical foundations of the project. It is on the
understanding of the above that the practical applications can be implemented.
The main objectives of this WP is give boost to national prison education systems enabling better social and civic skills acquisition and develop their values and attitudes towards life, introduce innovative methodologies for
development and nurturing of skills, values and attitudes and also, develop innovative inclusive education and rehabilitation model for juvenile inmates. An Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation Model for Juvenile Offenders containing 6 different modules can be found bellow in 4 versions: English, German, Romanian
and Slovene.
WP3 – Guidelines on implementing Project
learning based approach with Systemic practice and Positive Criminology to
Education and Rehabilitation
This work package reflects the work from WP2 into a training and implementation manual. This manual takes a number of projects developed in prison and illustrate how around that project one can integrate the goals as identified in WP2. The systemic approach as well as Positive criminology will be the foundation of this approach.
The result of this WP is a guidelines for the implementation of a project learning based approach using systemic and positive criminology to mentors (Social workers, Teachers and Correctional Officers). The document can be found in 4 versions: English, German, Romanian and Slovene, that you can find bellow.
On adition, we made an interractive e-book for mentors that can be accesed on the phones and tablets, with additional interractive features that will help them plan the programme in their countries
E-book hyperlink Guidelines_e-book
WP4 – Pilot implementation of Inclusive Education and
Rehabilitation Model
This work package`s main objectives is to test the education and rehabilitation model and based on findings, to prepare guidelines for improvement, to foster knowledge and experiences transfer between mentors and national prison education systems, improve networking between national prison education systems and to foster acquisition of social skills, develop of values and attitudes towards life.
In this work package newly developed education and rehabilitation model were tested in prisons in four selected countries: Slovenia, Malta, Germany and Romania. In-depth interviews and focus groups methods will be implemented with mentors and participating juvenile inmates to identify weaknesses and strengths of the model.
WP5 – Elaboration of
Recommendations for introduction of the Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation
Model in national prison education and rehabilitation systems in other EU
The main objectives of this work packages are to formulate the findings of model and project as a whole in a format of policy recommendations and to provide conclusions and a set of recommendations to improve prison educational systems by introduction of transnational education and ehabilitation model.
After testing the model and preparation of guidelines for improvement, recommendations for mainstreaming the model into national prison education systems were elaborated and can be found below. We invite you to take a look at the policy recomandations that are essential for the transfer to other settings in the partner countries and beyond as well as for the sustainability of the project results.
WP6 – Dissemination and sustainability actions
The purpose of this WP is to increase the project impact, to raise awareness about the project and to ensure its most broad exploitation, especially among prison education systems, rehabilitation systems, policy makers at different levels and among the general population.
The project uses several channels to disseminate and mainstream the outputs and results of the project at local, regional, national and European level. For more information about or activities from the project, we invite you to take a look at the Dissemination menu and on our Facebook page.